Compiling OMEconomy-4.0.6 for OpenSimulator-0.7.5

I also tried to compile OMEconomy-4.0.6 for OpenSimulator-0.7.5. Here I had a few more compile problems. First problem is that the OMEconomy modules use the NewtonSoft.JSon library, which was removed from OpenSimulator-0.7.5. I took the easy route and simply copied all NewtonSoft.* files from OpenSimulator-0.7.4 (in the bin directory) to the 0.7.5 bin directory.

There were also a few minor compile problems due to slight changes in interface APIs. Similarly to what I wrote about OS-0.7.4, I changed “GetClientEP()” into “RemoteEndPoint” in OMBase.cs, line 271.

Another problem was with the IClientAPI method SendChatMessage. In 0.7.5 this one got an additional parameter. Changing the parameter “senderUUID” into two parameters “senderUUID, senderUUID” solved the problem (OMBase.cs, lines 415 and 418).

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